Don't Reinvent The Wheel

Unify your organization's technology.

Duplicate systems and shadow IT drive costs up and reduce interoperability and collaboration between teams. Let Synaxa help you plan a fix.

Don't Solve The Same Problem Ten Times.

Without a standard set of tools, your teams end up working in silos. It gets harder to collaborate, and your best engineers lose valuable first-party access to critical information, instead having to ask for reports and summaries that can slow them down. Integrations fail, and interoperability drops while cost, failures, and delivery time rise. The maintenance burden of duplicate systems grows while progress and innovation grind to a halt.

What We Do

Process Assessment

We conduct a thorough review of your existing systems and strategic goals, identifying areas where standardization can bring value.

Governance Planning

We build a customized governance plan based on your organization's needs, aligning your teams with a common set of tools and practices.


We help lead your teams into compliance with the new IT governance plan. We'll migrate your tools, applications, and data, as well as build auditing and access controls.

Ongoing Support

We provide ongoing support and maintenance so your team can work effectively while maintaining compliance with approved governance.

What Standardization Means For You

Consolidate Tools & Share Technology

Decommission Duplicate Systems

Lower Costs & Maintenance Burden

Simplify and Reduce Technology Sprawl

We’re experts in planning IT standards and governance. With years of experience, Synaxa focuses on bridging industry norms and best practices, common governance frameworks, and your unique strategic objectives to create a tailored solution to fit your business. Working with us means having a trusted partner to collaborate with in defining and deploying a sane and effective governance strategy for your organization.

Synaxa Builds Sensible Governance Plans

Need Help With Governance?

Synaxa can help. Reach out to see how.

Standardize on Synaxa.